Friday, April 1, 2011

Bright Chrome

The Angler’s Culvert Fly Fishing Photography section features artists who draw subtle connections between fly fishers, water, and light, and who've perfectly captured a sense of place.

Of this entry, this week's featured photographer writes "Sorry for the quality of the pic, but I was by myself."

Of course, we know our readers feel as we do when we say "No apology necessary!"

(And..."I look forward to your first article!")


  1. That, my friends, is a beautiful swamp salmon!

  2. It's no Scartomyzon-like sucker, but it'll do.

  3. Hold on a minute, he only has a picture of one fish. He can hardly be an expert. I would take neither photography advice nor fish catching advice from such an alleged expert. What is he going to say? "For the best light I always photograph Steelhead covered in mud?"
