The poor bugger is leaving for Ohio, where there are no fish. So we went to BI to get him a keeper bass before he's landlocked. Me, Steve, Bob, and Andrew have been fishing together quite a bit these past years, so it was the right posse. We behaved quite badly without contravening any laws.
We fished all night and Andrew got into a few large stripers in the mid 30" range, exactly the class of fish he wanted. We went to a beach and within a short time he was dancing porgy and large ocean bass. It worked out just perfectly because on this very rare occasion he caught many more fish than I did and by far the bigger specimens. [Of course, I didn't actually attach a fly to my line, so keen was I for Andrew to have the sport just this once].
Here's the tale.
We crossed Block Island Sound on a trawler.

I am the best looking of the group.

I really am.

This is not a "wiper".

I don't know why he always tilts his head like this. It's a gay thing, I think.

Steve insists on thrusting all his fish up to the camera to make them look bigger. It's the modern way.

All done.