Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Another way (not) to catch carp

People often ask me "T.J., is there just one way to lose a carp?", to which I reply "Absolutely not - there are many, many ways to screw things up, and it's the wise fisherman who has a full quiver of options!"

They will also say things like "And isn't it enough just to have hooked a carp? To just be on the water, enjoying nature's bounty?", to which I will reply "That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard."


  1. So, which arrow in your quiver was that first one?


    (Damn good stuff!)

  2. That is some of the finest non-catching that I've seen in a long time. Extra points for the tantrum. Very artistic. Oh, at that one you caught weren't so bad too.

  3. While I can simply enjoy "nature's bounty" -- it is about the catching of fish. Otherwise, we night as well all just be hikers. Brilliant video, and I agree with Steve....style points for the tantrum. :)

  4. i felt like i was watching les stroud. i need a job where i can have my summers off.

  5. Tantrums make people look like Elton John.

  6. No, it's the English accent that makes one seem like Elton John. Or, as I call him, English Elton Johnny.
